George Soros & Stan Druckenmiller Returns
The table below shows the returns of George Soros and Stan Druckenmiller respectively from 1969 to 2000.
The table has 4 columns:
GS/SD: Shows who was at the helm. GS = George Soros. SD = Stan Druckenmiller.
Year: Calendar year.
Net Return: Returns after fees were deducted per Mallaby (see below).
$1,000,000: Growth of $1,000,000 (assuming no taxes).
These numbers come from Sebastian Mallaby’s book More Money Than God. As Mr. Mallaby did not provide the actual numbers (just a graph) I eyeballed these numbers and they are thus approximate.
If you’re wondering why I put this together…
Mallaby’s book is the only documented instance I’ve ever seen of the famous returns (most just talk about the CAGRs) and, in line with my post on rational expectations, I wanted to see what a dream scenario might look like return wise year by year.
Pretty incredible run.